Betting Predictions For The MSI MGA Finals

Posted on August 29, 2018 - Last Updated on August 24, 2020

The final four teams for the MSI MGA tournament have been confirmed. After many teams have fallen, these last four teams have just one more hurdle to overcome: the MSI MGA Finals.

There is a $60,000 prize pool on the line and 6 full games to get excited for. Here is a look at the MSI MGA Finals schedule, the participating teams, and our predictions for the event.

If you would like to watch the MSI MGA tournament live, you’ll need to visit the MSI Gaming official Facebook page.

For those interested, here is an overview of the tournament schedule:

The MSI MGA Finals will take place between September 28 and September 29.

  • The event will start with the semifinals.
  • Teams that lose in the semifinals will move to round 1 of the lower bracket.
  • Teams that win the semifinals will move to the upper bracket final.
  • The team that loses in the upper bracket final will move to the lower bracket final to face the lower bracket round 1 winner.
  • The grand final will consist of the upper bracket final winner and the lower bracket final winner.

So far, we do not know whether these matches will be best of three, best of one, or best of five. With 6 matches happening over two days, we’d assume all matches will be best of three.

Here is an overview of the teams taking part in the MSI MGA Finals. So far, the seeding has not been completed.

  • 5Power Gaming
  • Movistar Riders
  • compLexity Gaming

Want to bet on this event? Make sure to read our latest esports betting tips.

Betting Predictions for MSI MGA Finals

msi mga finals

In this section we will be offering our betting predictions for the MSI MGA finals. All four teams are experienced and have been playing Counter Strike competitively for a long time. However, these teams are lower tier than the teams you’d usually see, so the chance for an upset is higher. Please keep that in mind before betting.

Because we don’t know who will face each other, we’ll offer predictions on every single possible match up.

CompLexity vs 5Power

compLexity is far stronger than 5Power, so we see them coming out on top here. 5Power have an unbelievable record on Train that we’re somewhat concerned about, but as long as compLexity ban that, there’s a high chance for compLexity to win.

CompLexity vs AVANGAR

A battle between compLexity and AVANGAR will be close. They are similar in terms of skill level and both teams are relatively confident on all maps. What’s worse is that these teams have not faced each other before. Avoid this bet.

comPlexity vs Movistar

Movistar is a relatively unknown organization with a lineup that’s somewhat recognizable. You may know Mixwell, for example. We know that the team has potential, but there’s very little information on their performance together. Avoid this bet.

5Power vs AVANGAR

This should be a fairly straightforward win for AVANGAR. 5Power’s only star map is Train, but AVANGAR are excellent on that map as well. There’s a strong chance for AVANGAR to take this game.

5Power vs Movistar

Two teams with relatively little recorded history, no previous matchups, and the potential to surprise us. This would be a very difficult match to predict. Avoid this bet.

AVANGAR vs Movistar

Once again, there’s the risk that Movistar pulls out something incredible, so it may be worth avoiding this bet too.

Overall Predictions

Overall, it’s clear that both CompLexity and AVANGAR are the two strongest teams here. 5Power is looking at the weakest, followed by Movistar. Unfortunately, there’s not enough information on Movistar to make any educated bets against them.

Thanks for reading our betting predictions for the MSI MGA Finals. Which teams will you be betting on?


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Lea Hayes

Lea is crazy about esports in general, and she should be your first point of contact for when you want to get started with esports betting. Not only does Lea have an in-depth knowledge of all the top esports teams and players, but she’s not shy of sharing her esports betting tips either.

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